One of the most exciting news stories of late is that former president Bill Clinton has embarked on a vegan diet to combat heart disease. Back in 2004, President Clinton underwent quadruple bypass heart surgery, and in February of this year, he had a followup procedure after experiencing chest pains because grafts from the operation five years ago became obstructed. Maybe it was his daughter's upcoming wedding and that he wanted to live to see his grandchildren, or maybe it was a change of heart (so to speak), but after his latest close call, Mr. Clinton sought out an alternative to surgery to regain his health. And he found Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.
For years, Dr. Esselstyn has been advocating a low-fat plant-based diet to his heart patients at the Cleveland Clinic as a means to repair blocked arteries and improve blood flow to the heart. His groundbreaking book, How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, has saved many lives. This is the same advice he gave Mr. Clinton this year, and for six weeks that was the plan he followed. As a result, Bill lost an incredible 24 pounds and started to regain the energy and stamina he was so well-known for during his presidency. Another turning point for him was the discovery of the book, The China Study, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, which offers scientific evidence that establishes conclusively the overwhelmingly superior health benefits of plant-based diets. This is the definitive answer for anyone concerned about their health who wants to learn how to prevent disease naturally.
I am excited that President Clinton has made this paradigm shift and that he appears healthy, happy, and humbled by the experience. It really seems like eating a plant-based diet has transformed him on many levels. This is wonderful news that I am pleased to share.
What a wonderful endorsement for a plant-based diet! Hopefully, former President Clinton will continue to eat this healthy way.