I don't know about you, but to me, leftover tofu straight from the fridge is really delicious. I usually bake it with a simple marinade of tamari and toasted sesame oil. If there's any left the next day, it makes a nice snack cold, or even cut up and tossed on a salad. Another favorite eaten cold is barbeque tofu. Sure, you can microwave it, or heat it up again in the oven, but again, I opt for keeping cool.
And it's sooooo good with a Dijon Green Bean and Red Potato Salad and some sliced cucumbers.
Also on the menu this week was an Indonesian Baked Tempeh with Peanut Sauce on Rice Noodles. I love the richness of this sauce which, again, can be eaten heated or as a cold salad. The third entree on this week's menu featured Black Bean and Brown Rice Stuffed Zucchini (fresh from my garden) with a luscious Roasted Red Pepper Sauce Garnished with Fresh Cilantro. It's amazing the depth of flavors that can come from just a few simple ingredients.
A new discovery this week was provided by a client (and good friend!) who introduced me to the wonders of sorbet. Now, I'm not a former ice cream addict and I don't really crave the vegan alternatives (other than the occasional trip to Sweet Claude's for a tofutti sundae treat). But when temperatures hover in the 90s and I'm heating things up in the kitchen, it's really nice to cool off afterward. Especially with a Blackberry Cabernet Sorbetto
Looks really sumptuous. It would be nice if you could share us your recipe.i;d very much appreciate that. I'd be waiting for your response. thank you and more power!
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