Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sweet Claude's

It wouldn't be summer without a trip to Sweet Claude's.  I don't know who it was that told me about this hidden little gem on Rt. 10 in Cheshire (Josh, maybe? if so, thank you!!), but I've been making the pilgrimage every year once the weather warms up.  Friday's visit was the perfect reward after a long week of painting, gardening, cooking, and teaching. 

How long has it been since you've had Pistachio ice cream?  If you're a vegan, you might only have distant memories of rides to Friendly's after dinner for a sugar cone topped with that glowing green goodness.  When you swear off dairy, this treat becomes a thing of the past.  Until now. 

On a recent visit to Sweet Claude's  I was excited to find four flavors of Tofutti ice cream, one of which was my childhood favorite, Pistachio.  I got it in a cup topped with their "wet walnuts", which I think are walnuts in corn syrup.

Totally decadent, unhealthy, but what the heck... so gooooood.  How often do I get to do this?  Next time I think I might try basic chocolate topped with their peanut butter sauce.  Yeah.  That's right.

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