Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pretty produce

I stopped by my local independent grocery store, The Whitneyville Market, this morning to hang a flyer and caught a glimpse of these pretty little tomatoes and weird looking pepper on the produce shelf.  I couldn't resist, so I brought a couple home with me and vowed to create something with them for lunch.

I decided a simple stack alternating veggies and polenta topped by sauteed spinach would make a nice light meal.  I sliced a few tomatoes and chopped up a nice fat clove of garlic for the sautee.  Then I stacked the polenta and tomatoes and popped them in the microwave for 2 minutes while I wilted the spinach. 

Once the timer rang, the spinach was ready, and I assembled my stacks, garnishing with a few twists of the pepper mill.  In less than 15 minutes, my farm fresh lunch was ready to be enjoyed!

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